Lit. review

This annotated bibliography showcases research around violence/peace and digital platforms. If you have a suggested reading, you can add it in the comment section below.

“You did it to yourself”: An exploratory study of myths about gender-based technology-facilitated violence and abuse among men, Morales, E., Hodson, J., Chen, Y., Gosse, C., Mendes, K., & Veletsianos, G. (2024). “You …2024-09-17 00:07:30
Three roots of online toxicity: Disembodiment, accountability, and disinhibition, , Pandita, S., Garg, K., Zhang, J., & Mobbs, D. (2024). Three roots of online toxicity: …2024-09-04 22:46:20
Playful trauma: TikTok creators and the use of the platformed body in times of war, , Divon, T., & Eriksson Krutrök, M. (2024). Playful trauma: TikTok creators and the use of …2024-08-29 17:31:37
The role of evidence-based misogyny in antifeminist online communities of the ‘manosphere’, Rothermel, A.-K. (2023). The role of evidence-based misogyny in antifeminist online communities of the ‘manosphere.’ …2024-08-14 22:23:32
Just being a bit bitchy: The gendered valences of online anti-social behavior on Tattle Life, O’Meara, V., Hodson, J., Jacobson, J., & Gruzd, A. (2024). Just being a bit bitchy: …2024-08-01 17:43:46
Making a case for a social processes approach to online hate, Walther, J. B. (2024). Making a case for a social processes approach to online hate. …2024-07-25 18:31:25
Hate-sharing: A case study of its prevalence and impact on Gab, , Weigel, M., & Gitomer, A. (2024). Hate-sharing: A case study of its prevalence and impact …2024-06-26 19:01:26
Technology-facilitated violence: A conceptual review, Mitchell, M., Wood, J., O’Neill, T., Wood, M., Pervan, F., Anderson, B., & Arpke-Wales, W. …2024-06-19 15:21:26
Social media “ghosts”: how Facebook (Meta) Memories complicates healing for survivors of intimate partner violence, , Little, N. (2023). Social media “ghosts”: How Facebook (Meta) Memories complicates healing for survivors of …2024-06-12 12:13:11
Platform policy and online abuse: Understanding differential protections for public figures, , Cover, R., Henry, N., Huynh, T. B., Gleave, J., Grechyn, V., & Greenfield, S. (2024). …2024-05-30 18:20:28
Infrastructural platform violence: How women and queer journalists and activists in Lebanon experience abuse on WhatsApp, , Riedl, M. J., El-Masri, A., Trauthig, I. K., & Woolley, S. C. (2024). Infrastructural platform …2024-04-30 15:30:38
Repairing the harm: Toward an algorithmic reparations approach to hate speech content moderation, , Peterson-Salahuddin, C. (2024). Repairing the harm: Toward an algorithmic reparations approach to hate speech content …2024-04-23 23:30:03
Angry by design: toxic communication and technical architectures, , , Munn, L. (2020). Angry by design: Toxic communication and technical architectures. Humanities and Social Sciences …2024-04-18 19:59:26
Making sense of murder: Characterizing stories in social media groups, Lev-On, A. (2023). Making sense of murder: Characterizing stories in social media groups. Media, Culture …2024-04-09 21:41:23
Toxic speech and limited demand for content moderation on social media, , , Pradel, F., Zilinsky, J., Kosmidis, S., & Theocharis, Y. (2024). Toxic speech and limited demand …2024-04-02 22:59:19
Encounters between violence and media—Introduction, Harju, A. A., & Kotilainen, N. (2023). Encounters between violence and media—Introduction. International Journal of …2024-03-13 15:22:22
Trauma-informed social media: Towards solutions for reducing and healing online harm, , Scott, C. F., Marcu, G., Anderson, R. E., Newman, M. W., & Schoenebeck, S. (2023, …2024-03-05 19:25:10
A gathering with fire: Exploring the audience reception of internet memes about Belfast riots, Lundqvist, M. (2023). A gathering with fire: Exploring the audience reception of internet memes about …2024-03-01 16:00:25
Flagging as a silencing tool: Exploring the relationship between de-platforming of sex and online abuse on Instagram and TikTok, , , Are, C. (2024). Flagging as a silencing tool: Exploring the relationship between de-platforming of sex …2024-02-20 23:35:07
The platformization of violence: Toward a concept of discursive toxicity on social media, Recuero, R. (2024). The platformization of violence: Toward a concept of discursive toxicity on social …2024-01-22 17:29:43
Social media conflict: Platforms for racial vilification, or acts of provocation and citizenship?, , Johns, A., & McCosker, A. (2015). Social media conflict: Platforms for racial vilification, or acts …2024-01-18 16:42:02
Whore! Affect, sexualized aggression and resistance in young social media users’ interaction, , , Sylwander, K. R., & Gottzén, L. (2020). Whore! Affect, sexualized aggression and resistance in young …2024-01-11 16:45:26
The normalization of hatred: Identity, affective polarization, and dehumanization on Facebook in the context of intractable political conflict, , Harel, T. O., Jameson, J. K., & Maoz, I. (2020). The normalization of hatred: Identity, …2024-01-04 21:13:25
When does it become harassment?: An investigation of online criticism and calling out in Twitter, , , Kim, H., Kim, H., Kim, J., & Jang, J. (2022). When does it become harassment?: …2023-12-21 18:56:33
Safe from “harm”: The governance of violence by platforms, , , DeCook, J. R., Cotter, K., Kanthawala, S., & Foyle, K. (2022). Safe from “harm”: The …2023-12-12 23:40:49
The affordances of extreme speech, , de Keulenaar, E. (2023). The affordances of extreme speech. Big Data & Society, 10(2). Link: …2023-12-07 22:06:02
Combatting hate and trolling with love and reason? A qualitative analysis of the discursive antagonisms between organized hate speech and counterspeech online, , Keller, N., & Askanius, T. (2020). Combatting hate and trolling with love and reason? A …2023-11-29 21:36:07
It wasn’t just the trolls: Early internet culture, “fun,” and the fires of exclusionary laughter, , Phillips, W. (2019). It Wasn’t Just the Trolls: Early Internet Culture, “Fun,” and the Fires …2023-11-16 17:34:29
Extreme speech online: An anthropological critique of hate speech debates, , Pohjonen, M., & Udupa, S. (2017). Extreme speech online: An anthropological critique of hate speech …2023-10-26 14:37:50
Collective violence online: When streets gangs use social media, Densley, J. (2020). Collective violence online: When streets gangs use social media. In C. A. …2023-09-29 15:19:08
Putting a “good face on the nation”: Beauty, memes, and the gendered rebranding of global Colombianidad, , , Cepeda, M. E. (2018). Putting a “good face on the nation”: Beauty, memes, and the …2023-09-21 22:04:30
Ecologies of violence on social media: An exploration of practices, contexts, and grammars of online harm, , , Morales, E. (2023). Ecologies of violence on social media: An exploration of practices, contexts, and …2023-09-13 16:40:25
Sticky violence, , Zelizer, B. (2023). Sticky violence. International Journal of Communication, 17, 1383–1389. Link: Open access: …2023-09-13 16:34:55
Who would respond to A troll? A social network analysis of reactions to trolls in online communities, , Sun, Q., & Shen, C. (2021). Who would respond to A troll? A social network …2023-09-07 22:23:32
What is a flag for? Social media reporting tools and the vocabulary of complaintCrawford, K., & Gillespie, T. (2016). What is a flag for? Social media reporting tools …2023-09-02 17:05:05
“schleichdiduoaschloch” Terror, collective memory, and social media, , Tambuscio, M., & Tschiggerl, M. (2023). “#schleichdiduoaschloch” Terror, collective memory, and social media. Social Media …2023-08-24 23:34:44
’ll be there for you? Effects of Islamophobic online hate speech and counter speech on Muslim in-group bystanders’ intention to intervene, , , Obermaier, M., Schmuck, D., & Saleem, M. (2023). I’ll be there for you? Effects of …2023-08-16 18:38:46
Cross-platform evaluation for Italian hate speech detection, , Corazza, M., Menini, S., Cabrio, E., Tonelli, S., & Villata, S. (2019). Cross-platform evaluation for …2023-08-11 18:44:23
Online harassment in majority contexts: Examining harms and remedies across countries., , Schoenebeck, S., Batool, A., Do, G., Darling, S., Grill, G., Wilkinson, D., Khan, M., Toyama, …2023-08-01 22:36:20
Stop and frisk online: Theorizing everyday racism in digital policing in the use of social media for identification of criminal conduct and associations, , Patton, D. U., Brunton, D.-W., Dixon, A., Miller, R. J., Leonard, P., & Hackman, R. …2023-07-26 14:12:32
Contextures of hate: Towards a systems theory of hate communication on social media platforms, , Barth, N., Wagner, E., Raab, P., & Wiegärtner, B. (2023). Contextures of hate: Towards a …2023-07-19 23:26:05
Networked responses to networked harassment? Creators’ coordinated management of “hate raids” on Twitch, , , Meisner, C. (2023). Networked responses to networked harassment? Creators’ coordinated management of “hate raids” on …2023-07-11 00:46:48
Digital hostility, subjectivity and ethics: Theorising the disruption of identity in instances of mass online abuse and hate speech, , , Cover, R. (2023). Digital hostility, subjectivity and ethics: Theorising the disruption of identity in instances …2023-07-05 23:50:04
To troll or not to troll: Young adults’ anti-social behaviour on social media, , Soares, F. B., Gruzd, A., Jacobson, J., & Hodson, J. (2023). To troll or not …2023-06-22 21:42:03
Flaming? What flaming? The pitfalls and potentials of researching online hostility, , Jane, E. A. (2015). Flaming? What flaming? The pitfalls and potentials of researching online hostility. …2023-06-16 15:41:20
Trolling as provocation: YouTube’s agonistic publics, , McCosker, A. (2014). Trolling as provocation: YouTube’s agonistic publics. Convergence: The International Journal of Research …2023-05-31 15:21:08
Why bystanders (don’t) post about violence: Contextualizing individual versus socialized rationales of observers’ publication intentions, , , Bayerl, P. S., Shahid, S., & Moitroux, P. (2023). Why bystanders (don’t) post about violence: …2023-05-25 15:32:57
Morally motivated networked harassment as normative reinforcement, Marwick, A. E. (2021). Morally motivated networked harassment as normative reinforcement. Social Media + Society, …2023-05-19 15:33:02
Social media and the visibility of horrific violence, , , Duncombe, C. (2020). Social media and the visibility of horrific violence. International Affairs, 96(3), 609–629. …2023-05-11 23:14:11
From scalability to subsidiarity in addressing online harm, , Hasinoff, A. A., & Schneider, N. (2022). From scalability to subsidiarity in addressing online harm. …2023-05-03 22:10:40
Banal phenomenologies of conflict: Professional media cultures and audiences of distant suffering, Markham, T. (2020). Banal phenomenologies of conflict: Professional media cultures and audiences of distant suffering. …2023-04-27 21:53:35
Algorithmic violence in everyday life and the role of media anthropology, , Barassi, V. (2022). Algorithmic violence in everyday life and the role of media anthropology. In …2023-04-20 00:17:11
Women scholars’ experiences with online harassment and abuse: Self-protection, resistance, acceptance, and self-blame, , Veletsianos, G., Houlden, S., Hodson, J., & Gosse, C. (2018). Women scholars’ experiences with online …2023-04-12 18:34:44
Ensayos sobre el abismo: Políticas de la mirada, violencia, tecnopolítica [Essays on the abyss: Politics of the gaze, violence, technopolitics], , , Reguillo, R. (2023). Ensayos sobre el abismo: Políticas de la mirada, violencia, tecnopolítica. Encartes, 6(11). …2023-04-04 15:06:08
Alt_Right white lite: Trolling, hate speech and cyber racism on social media, , Jakubowicz, A. H. (2017). Alt_Right white lite: Trolling, hate speech and cyber racism on social …2023-03-30 01:07:44
Twitter, cyber-violence, and the need for a critical social media literacy in teacher education: A review of the literature, Nagle, J. (2018). Twitter, cyber-violence, and the need for a critical social media literacy in …2023-03-24 16:34:28
“Narco” emotions: Affect and desensitization in social media during the Mexican drug war, De Choudhury, M., Monroy-Hernández, A., & Mark, G. (2014). “Narco” emotions: Affect and desensitization in …2023-03-15 17:32:02
Social media and symbolic violenceRecuero, R. (2015). Social media and symbolic violence. Social Media + Society, 1(1), Link: …2023-03-07 16:03:14
Surface and sublevel hateMunn, L. (2023). Surface and sublevel hate. Big Data & Society, 10(1). Link: Open …2023-03-02 19:17:33
When online harassment is perceived as justified, , Blackwell, L., Chen, T., Schoenebeck, S., & Lampe, C. (2018). When online harassment is perceived …2023-02-22 16:36:18
Memetizing genocides and post-genocide peacebuilding: Ambivalent implications of memes for youth participation and imaginaries in Rwanda, Ataci, T. (2022). Memetizing genocides and post-genocide peacebuilding: Ambivalent implications of memes for youth participation …2023-02-15 16:01:59
Hate in the machine: Anti-Black and Anti-Muslim social media posts as predictors of offline racially and religiously aggravated crime, , Williams, M. L., Burnap, P., Javed, A., Liu, H., & Ozalp, S. (2019). Hate in …2023-02-10 15:53:47
“I didn’t have the language”: Young people learning to challenge gender-based violence through consumption of social media, , Molnar, L. I. (2022). “I didn’t have the language”: Young people learning to challenge gender-based …2023-02-07 22:39:47
Digital peacebuilding: A framework for critical–reflexive engagement, Hirblinger, A. T., Hansen, J. M., Hoelscher, K., Kolås, Å., Lidén, K., & Martins, B. …2023-02-06 21:38:40
Flaming on YouTubeMoor, P. J., Heuvelman, A., & Verleur, R. (2010). Flaming on YouTube. Computers in Human …2023-02-03 15:58:32
Humour as an online safety issue: Exploring solutions to help platforms better address this form of expression, Matamoros-Fernández, A., Bartolo, L., & Troynar, L. (2023). Humour as an online safety issue: Exploring …2023-02-01 15:53:51
Networked individuals, gendered violence: A literature review of cyberviolence, Backe, E. L., Lilleston, P., & McCleary-Sills, J. (2018). Networked Individuals, Gendered Violence: A Literature …2023-01-30 15:43:32
“Not the real world”: Exploring experiences of online abuse, digital dualism, and ontological laborGosse, C. (2021). “Not the Real World”: Exploring Experiences of Online Abuse, Digital Dualism, and …2023-01-27 21:34:29
Bots amplify and redirect hate speech in online discourse about racism during the COVID-19 pandemic, , Uyheng, J., Bellutta, D., & Carley, K. M. (2022). Bots Amplify and Redirect Hate Speech …2023-01-27 16:48:17
Interacting for peace: Rethinking peace through interactive digital platforms, Katz, Y. (2020). Interacting for peace: Rethinking peace through interactive digital platforms. Social Media + …2023-01-26 23:05:01
How social media users perceive different forms of online hate speech: A qualitative multi-method study, Schmid, U. K., Kümpel, A. S., & Rieger, D. (2022). How social media users perceive …2023-01-26 15:48:06
Rape threats and revenge porn: Defining sexual violence in the digital ageFairbairn, J. (2022). Rape Threats and Revenge Porn: Defining Sexual Violence in the Digital Age. …2023-01-25 19:02:49
A qualitative analysis of how individuals utilized the Twitter hashtags #NotOkay and #MeToo to comment on the perpetration of interpersonal violence, Bogen, K. W., Bhuptani, P. H., Haikalis, M., & Orchowski, L. M. (2022). A Qualitative …2023-01-25 01:29:12
Human rights, privacy rights, and technology-facilitated violence, Coombs, E. (2021). Human Rights, Privacy Rights, and Technology-Facilitated Violence. In J. Bailey, A. Flynn, …2023-01-23 15:41:02
“Your a ugly, whorish, slut”: Understanding e-bileJane, E. A. (2014). “Your a Ugly, Whorish, Slut”: Understanding E-bile. Feminist Media Studies, 14(4), …2023-01-19 00:33:19
Inviting, affording and translating harm: Understanding the role of technological mediation in technology-facilitated violence, Wood, M. A., Mitchell, M., Pervan, F., Anderson, B., O’Neill, T., Wood, J., & Arpke-Wales, …2023-01-18 15:36:37
Technology facilitated coercive control: Domestic violence and the competing roles of digital media platforms, Dragiewicz, M., Burgess, J., Matamoros-Fernández, A., Salter, M., Suzor, N. P., Woodlock, D., & Harris, …2023-01-17 22:11:26
Is it actually violence? Framing technology-facilitated abuse as violence, Dunn, S. (2021). Is it Actually Violence? Framing Technology-Facilitated Abuse as Violence. In J. Bailey, …2023-01-16 21:32:17
Antisocial media and algorithmic deviancy amplification: Analysing the id of Facebook’s technological unconscious, , Wood, M. A. (2017). Antisocial media and algorithmic deviancy amplification: Analysing the id of Facebook’s …2023-01-16 21:20:45
Gendered cyberhate as workplace harassment and economic vandalism, Jane, E. A. (2018). Gendered cyberhate as workplace harassment and economic vandalism. Feminist Media Studies, …2023-01-16 15:52:16
Pornographies of violence? Internet spectatorship on body horror, Tait, S. (2008). Pornographies of Violence? Internet Spectatorship on Body Horror. Critical Studies in Media …2023-01-15 16:40:50
Investigating the experience of viewing extreme real-world violence online: Naturalistic evidence from an online discussion forum, Stubbs, J. E., Nicklin, L. L., Wilsdon, L., & Lloyd, J. (2022). Investigating the experience …2023-01-13 22:20:39
Humor that harms? Examining racist audio-visual memetic media on TikTok during Covid-19, , Matamoros-Fernández, A., Rodriguez, A., & Wikström, P. (2022). Humor That Harms? Examining Racist Audio-Visual Memetic …2023-01-13 00:35:25

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  1. Nicolette

    Great list. Thanks, Esteban. 
