Morales, E., Hodson, J., Gruzd, A., & Mai, P. (2025). I đ your hate: Emojis as infrastructural platform violence on Telegram. Proceedings of the 58th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2316â2325.
Hodson, J., Morales, E., & Owen, J. (2025). Using syndemic theory as a framework for understanding and addressing polarization and other antisocial behavior on social media. Proceedings of the 58th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 6703â6712.
Morales, E., Hodson, J., Chen, Y., Gosse, C., Mendes, K., & Veletsianos, G. (2024). âYou Did It to Yourselfâ: An Exploratory Study of Myths About Gender-Based Technology-Facilitated Violence and Abuse Among Men. Sex Roles.
Hodson, J., OâMeara, V., Owen, J., Veletsianos, G., & Morales, E. (2024). Why donât faculty members report incidents of online abuse and what can be done about it? Computers in Human Behavior Reports, 15, 1â9.
Morales, E. (2024). Social media and the mediation of everyday violence: A study of Colombian young adultsâ experiences. New Media & Society, 0(0).
Morales, E. (2023). Ecologies of violence on social media: An exploration of practices, contexts, and grammars of online harm. Social Media + Society, 9(3),
Morales, E. & Reilly, K. (2023). The unhomed data subject: Negotiating datafication in Latin America. Information, Communication & Society, 0(0), 1-15.
Morales, E. (2023). ¿Qué investigamos cuando estudiamos la violencia en redes sociales en Colombia? Una revisión sistemåtica de la literatura [What do we research when studying social media violence in Colombia? A systematic review of the literature]. Investigación y Desarrollo, 32(2), 228-249.
Reilly, K. & Morales, E. (2023). Citizen data audits in the contemporary sensorium. International Journal of Communication.17, 3582â3599.
Horst, R., James, K., Morales, E., & Takeda, Y. (2023). The intermingled meanings of PhoneMe: Exploring transmodal, placeâbased poetry in an online social network. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 66(4), 249-256.
Morales, E. (2022). Review of the Methodological Landscape of Literacy and Social Media Research. First Monday, 27(8).
Reilly, K., Flores, M., & Morales, E. (2022). Aprendiendo sobre alfabetización de datos personales: Criterios para evaluar intervenciones en América Latina [Learning about personal data literacy: Criteria for evaluating interventions in Latin America]. Observatorio (OBS*), 16.
Dawson D., Morales E., McKiernan E.C., Schimanski L.A., Niles M.T., Alperin J.P. (2022) The role of collegiality in academic review, promotion, and tenure. PLoS ONE 17(4).
Morales, E.; Kalir, J.H.; Fleerackers, A., & Alperin, J. P. (2022). Using social annotation to construct knowledge with others: A case study across undergraduate courses. F1000 Research. 11.
James, K.; Horst, R.; Takeda, Y. & Morales, E. (2021) The Patch: An artful syn(aes)thetic mapping of linguistic data through collaborative digital/analogue literacy processes. McGill Journal of Education, 55(3), 641â665.
Morales, E., James, K., Horst, R., Takeda, Y., & Yung, E., (2021) The sound of our words: Singling, a textual sonification software. Proceedings at the 26th International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD 2021). Available here.
Morales, E., Mckiernan, E., Niles, M. T., Schimanski, L., & Pablo, J. (2021). How faculty define quality, prestige, and impact in research. PLoS ONE, 16(10).
James, K., Morales, E., Horst, R., & Yung, E. (2021). Singling: Text Sonification and the Literacoustics of Language-to-MIDI Transformations. In Andrew Klobucar (Ed.), The Community and the Algorithm: A Digital Interactive Poetics. Vernon Press.
Morales, E. & Gebre, E. (2021). Teachersâ understanding and implementation of peace education in Colombia: The case of CĂĄtedra de la Paz. Journal of Peace Education.
Morales, E. (2021). Peace education and Colombiaâs efforts against violence: A literature review of CĂĄtedra de la Paz. Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Educativos, 51(2), 13â42.
Kalir, J. H., Morales, E., Fleerackers, A., & Alperin, J. P. (2020). âWhen I saw my peers annotatingâ: Student perceptions of social annotation for learning in multiple courses. Information and Learning Sciences.
Gebre, E., & Morales, E. (2020). How âaccessibleâ is open data? usersâ comments in open datasets comments. Information and Learning Sciences, 121(1/2), pp. 19-36. https://doi-org/10.1108/ILS-08-2019-0086
Tamayo GĂłmez, C., Freeman, M. & Morales, E. (Eds.). (2018) ArqueologĂa transmedia en AmĂ©rica Latina: mestizajes, identidades y convergencias [Transmedia archeology in Latin America: Mestizations, identities and convergences]. MedellĂn: EAFIT University
Morales, E., Hodson, J., Gruzd, A., & Mai, P. (2025). I đ your hate: Emojis as infrastructural platform violence on Telegram. Proceedings of the 58th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2316â2325.
Hodson, J., Morales, E., & Owen, J. (2025). Using syndemic theory as a framework for understanding and addressing polarization and other antisocial behavior on social media. Proceedings of the 58th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 6703â6712.
Morales, E.; Hodson, J.; Gruzd, A.; Mai, P. (2024). The sociability of online antisocial behaviour: A study of how toxic interactions manifest on a Colombian Telegram group [Conference presentation]. Social Media and Society conference, London, England.
Chen, Y.; Morales, E.; Gosse, C.; Mendes, K. & Veletsianos, G. (2024). How men perceive gender-based technology-facilitated violence and abuse: Myths and false beliefs [Conference presentation]. Social Media and Society conference, London, England. [Best paper award]
OâMeara, V.; Hodson, J.; Gruzd, A.; Morales, E. (2024). Deplatforming Childrenâs Health Defense: Fighting health misinformation or building a reactionary health populism movement? [Conference presentation]. Social Media and Society conference, London, England.
Morales, E.; Chen, Y.; Gosse, C.; Hodson, J.; Mendes, K. & Veletsianos, G. (2024) When rape myths go on the internet: Men’s perceptions of gender-based technology-facilitated violence and abuse [Poster presentation]. International Communication Association conference, Gold Coast, Australia.
Chen, Y.; Hodson, J.; Gosse, C.; Mendes, K.; Morales, E. & Veletsianos, G. (2024). Online bystander intervention: Obstacles and opportunities [Conference presentation] International Communication Association conference, Gold Coast, Australia.
Morales, E. & Reilly, K. (2023) What data do to us, what we do with data: Experiences from Latin America [Conference presentation] 4S Conference, Honolulu, USA.
Horst, R. & Morales, E. (2023) The speculative present of AI: Implications, possibilities, and where we are(n’t) going from here [Panel] 4S Conference, Honolulu, USA.
Morales, E.; Divon, T.; Lundqvist, M. & Halabi, N. (2023) Exploring the contextual complexities of violence on digital platforms: Intersections, impacts, and solutions [Panel]. Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR) conference, Philadelphia, USA.
Morales, E. (2023). Peace education in the platformed society: Lessons from Colombia [Conference presentation]. Open/Technology in Education, Society, and Scholarship Association (OTESSA), Toronto, Canada.
Morales, E. (2023). Catalysts, weapons, validators, or propagators: Colombian young adults mediated experiences of social media violence [Conference presentation]. Latin American Studies Association (LASA), Vancouver, Canada.
Morales, E. (2023). From online harms to offline peace: Learning from and about violence on social media in Colombia [Conference presentation]. Media Education Summit, Vancouver, Canada.
Morales, E. (2022). âIt is everywhereâ: An exploration of the ecologies of violence on Colombian social media platforms [Conference presentation]. 4S/ESOCITE conference, Cholula, Mexico.
Horst, R. & Morales, E. (2022) Future imagining and the cultivation of possibility [Panel]. 4S/ESOCITE conference, Cholula, Mexico.
Morales, E. & Reilly, K. (2022). Subordinated by the algorithm. Exploring data colonialism among Latin American citizens [Conference presentation]. Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR) conference, Dublin, Ireland.
Morales, E., (2022). What do we mean when we talk about social media violence? Exploring everyday violence on digital networks [Conference presentation].Social Media & Society conference, online.
Morales, E., (2022). Understanding the digital landscape with the other: A call for an epistemological shiver [Conference presentation]. Digital Humanities Unbound conference, online.
Morales, E., & Horst, R. (2022). Rejecting the ready-made future: Reimagining technologies from and for the classroom [Conference presentation]. Open/Technology in Education, Society, and Scholarship Association (OTESSA) conference, online.
Morales, E., James, K., Horst, R., Takeda, Y., & Yung, E., (2021) The sound of our words: Singling, a textual sonification software [Conference presentation]. 26th International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD), online.
James, K.; Morales, E.; Takeda, Y.M Horst, R. & Yung, E. (2021) Listen and Learn: Future methods, present possibilities and past dilemmas for sounding texts in digital arts-based educational research [Conference presentation]. CSSE-Congress, online.
Horst, R.; James, K.; Morales, E.; Takeda, & Yung, E. (2021) Sounding the futures imaginary: a collaborative intra-modal storying methodology [Conference presentation]. Electronic Literature Organization (ELO) conference, 2021.
Morales, E. (2021) Review of the methodological landscape of literacy and social media research [Conference presentation]. CSSE-Congress Language and Literacy Researchers of Canada preconference, online.
Morales, E. (2021) Data literacy and peace education: Teachersâ understanding of data in Colombiaâs CĂĄtedra de la Paz [Conference presentation]. American Educational Research Association (AERA) conference, online.
Reilly, K.; Albornoz, D.; Morales, E.; Marachimo, M & Morales, M.J. (2020) ÂĄSon mis datos! Herramientas para retomar el control de nuestros datos personales [Conference presentation]. RightsCon, online.
Horst, R. & Morales, E. (2020). EnTwining the data: A digital arts-based representation of research [Conference presentation]. Electronic Literature Organization (ELO) conference, online.
Morales, E. & Gebre, E. (2020). Implementing peace education in Colombia: Teachersâ understanding and perceived challenges of CĂĄtedra de la Paz [Conference presentation, cancelled due to COVID-19]. American Educational Research Association (AERA) conference, San Francisco, United States of America.
Gebre, E. & Morales, E. (2019). How accessible is open data? Context and support for using open data in schools [Conference presentation]. American Educational Research Association (AERA) conference, Toronto, Canada.
Morales, E. (2019) Data literacy in a peace education course, an opportunity to address disinformation in Colombia [Poster presentation]. Innovations in Research, Vancouver, Canada.
Alperin, J., La, M & Morales, E. (2019) Is making knowledge public a part of a professorâs job? [Presentation]. Innovations in Research, Vancouver, Canada.
Morales, E. & Gebre, E. (2018). Open data as educational resource: Reconsidering data literacy initiatives in secondary schools [Conference presentation]. Learning Together conference, Surrey, Canada.
Morales, E. & Leal, D. (2017) Student leaders: a strategy for the management of ICT in educational institutions [Conference presentation]. Virtual Educa conference, Bogota, Colombia.
Language and Literacy Education Ph.D. – UBC (09/2019 â 02/2024)
- Dissertation project: Living with violence on social media: An exploration of Colombianâs experiences around harm on digital platforms
- Supervisors: Dr. Leah Macfadyen
- Committee: Dr. Katherine Reilly, Dr. Teresa Dobson, and Dr. Mark Turin
Educational Tech & Learning Design MA – SFU (09/2017 â 09/2019)
- Thesis: Teachersâ understanding of peace and citizenship education and ways of integrating data literacy in Colombiaâs CĂĄtedra de la Paz
- Supervisor: Dr. Engida Gebre
Transmedia Communication MA – EAFIT University (07/2015 â 12/2016)
- Thesis: Transmedia Archeology in Latin America: Mestizaje, Identities and Convergences
- Supervisor: Dr. Camilo Tamayo
Social Communication bachelorâs degree – EAFIT University (01/2008 â 12/2012)
University of Groningen
– Imagining the Digital (02/2025-04/2025) in the BA in Media Studies
– Thinkers and theories: Violence and platforms (02/2025-04/2025) in the BA in Media Studies
– Capturing Media Use (11/2024-01/2025) in the Datafication & Digital Literacy, Social Media & Society, or Media Creation & Innovation MA programmes.
– Analyzing Media Production and Use (11/2024-01/2025) in the BA in Media Studies
Royal Roads University
– Social Science Theory and the Globalized World (01/2024-03/2024) in the Doctorate of Social Sciences.
– Social media and digital data (8/2023-10/2023) n the Master of Arts in Intercultural and International Communication.
University of British Columbia
– Literacy practices and assessment (6/2023) in the Teacher Education program.
– Literacy practices and assessment (6/2022) in the Teacher Education program.
EAFIT University
– Texts and Hypertext I (1/2017 â 6/2017) in the Communication BA program
Postdoctoral fellow – Royal Roads University (7/2023-Ongoing): Working with Dr. Jaigris Hodson on projects concerning online harassment on digital platforms
Research Assistant – Simon Fraser University (1/2020â 8/2023): Working in collaboration with Dr. Katherine Reilly and civic society organizations in the promotion of data literacy skills and participatory citizen data audits in Latin America.
Graduate Academic Assistant – University of British Columbia (8/2019â 7/2022): Working at the Digital Literacy Centre in projects related to poetic inquiry, sonification of language and makerspaces.
Qualitative Research Assistant – Simon Fraser University (1/2019â 4/2021): Working in collaboration with Dr. Juan Pablo Alperin and the ScholCommLab team in research projects related to online annotation, digital literacies and scholarly communication.
N-Vivo Graduate Peer – Simon Fraser University (8/2018â 4/2019): Supporting and promoting the use of the qualitative research software NVivo among graduate students, staff and faculty.
Research Assistant – Simon Fraser University (1/2018â 12/2018): Working as a research assistant for Dr. Engida Gebre on topics related to data literacy, open data and contextualization of educational resources.
Research Assistant – EAFIT University (1/2014â 6/2017): Working in the systematization and implementation of educational technology with students from over 200 public schools in Colombia.
Best paper award (2024) Social Media & Society conference. Total award: C$1000
LLED Graduate Student Travel Grant (2023). Total award: C$1954.00
Best paper – Graduate award (2023). Open/Technology in Education, Society, and Scholarship Association (OTESSA) 2023. Total award: C$500
Most Engaging Presentation Award (2022). Social Media + Society conference.
Travel grant – Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR) conference (2022). Total award: USD$500
Public Scholar Initiative (2019-2022). Total award: C$11,000.
UBC Faculty of Education Graduate Award (2019-2023): Total award: C$20,000 per year.
SFU Graduate Fellowship (2019). Total award: C$3,250
[Workshop] Morales, E.; Hodson, J. & O’Meara, V. (2025) When the trolls find our research: A workshop in online harassment of scholars and how to move forward, in 58th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
[Article] Hodson, H.; Morales, E.; Mendes, K. & Chen, Y. (2024) Addressing online gender violence requires both culture and policy change, in The Conversation Canada.
[Report] Hodson, H.; Morales, E.; Lee, Y. & Pande, N. (2024) Responding to Human Rights Misinformation in British Columbia: A Comprehensive Review for the British Columbia Office of the Human Rights Commissioner.
[Interview] CHEK News (2024). âA lot of hurtful messagingâ: Central Saanich is deactivating its X accounts, in
[Invited writing piece] Morales, E. (2023). Vivir con violencia en redes sociales (living with violence on social media)., in Circuito Digital.
[Report] Reilly, K., Febres-Cordero B., Morales E., Albornoz D., Morachimo M. & Flores M. (2020) Son Mis Datos: Guia Metodologica. Hiperderecho. Available at
[Blog post] Fleekers, A.; Alperin, J.P.; Morales, E. & Kalir, R. (2019) Comment, Reply, Repeat: Engaging Students with Social Annotation. Retrieved from
[Presentation] James, K.; Horst, R.; Takeda, Y. & Morales, E. (2019) The Patch: Data Visualization in Digital Arts-Based Educational Research. Presentation at the IEEE VIS meets Vancouver. Microsoft, Vancouver.